Food recipes

Friday, January 5, 2018

Patzcuaro and Uruapan

After spending the Holidays with my family in Mexico, my husband and I are visiting the state of Michoacan. We are staying in Morelia, the capital city, and my brother is staying with us for few days. I've been touring the city with them without sketching and finally I had to claim some time for me to sketch at least some views of the surrounding towns. We made a stop in Patzcuaro. A cute hospital with the typical architecture cross my road. 
Then we walked to the main plaza, which seems to be the only in Mexico with no religious building in it, and there were some dancers dancing the Danza de los Viejitos, a typical dance of the Purepecha region. That yellow thing behind them was a Christmas tree made with sisal textile mats, known locally as petates.
Then we visited the observation deck Quiosco Mirador, Cerro del Estribo Grande to see the Patzcuaro Lake and the Paztcuaro town.
Next day we went to Uruapan. We visited the Parque Nacional Barranca del Cupatitzio. 
It was nice to revisit the sites my husband and I did 11 years ago. I don't have sketches from then but now I'm happy I do have some. Next, I'll explore the city of the beautiful and manorial city of Morelia. Sketches in my next posts.

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