Food recipes

Friday, January 26, 2018

Atotonilco in Morelia

Across the street from this view, there's a cafe where my husband and I sat after dining out. This is the North side of Templo de San Francisco. This view was in front of me and of course I had to add another building made of quarry stone to my sketchbook. Because we were seated by the window, a woman walking in the street stopped next to us. She started to sing in the hope of collecting some coins from the people inside the cafe. I listened to her while I was sketching, she was singing one of the songs my mother used to sing out loud when she was in good mood or happy, Atotonilco, happy memories. We gave her some money and she gave us her blessing. As you can see in the sketch, there's an orange tree at this bus stop. Citrus trees are spread out in this city. You practically can collect the fruit in you want, or better said, if you reach it. I'm still not a fan of perfectly blue sky, but this time I didn't mind. I watercolor it later and used making fluid to make the pattern of the wall which would contrast the flat sky. I enjoyed my time sketching, the coffee and the song of the woman. 


  1. What brand of masking fluid gives you these precise lines? Mine is always blotchy and leaves a blue colour behind. Beautiful sketch.

    1. Thank you Carolyn! I used Pebeo drawing gum. I like it because is not thick, it dries fast and it doesn't leave blue stains behind. I also used a ruling pen to apply it, this way is easy to control of the line thickness.
