Food recipes

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Like a box of chocolates

Pencil, watercolor and water brush on A5 Hahnemuhle Watercolor Book
From the many diners wearing  dark cloths at the restaurant, she was wearing a cheerful top in yellow ochre and teal, some color in cold days is welcome in my sketchbook. She, however, was playing with her soup indifferently. A man younger than her, probably her son, was seated in front of her at the other end of table looking at her constantly, in silence. When my pencil delineated her eyes and eyebrows I saw sadness. After I finished the sketch in few minutes, between the time we ordered the food and the moment they brought it to the table, I couldn't resist the need to go to her table and show her the sketch above, something I don't normally do. Dorothy was surprised and smiled. She scanned the sketch with her deep blue eyes. The man smiled also because she smiled. He told me her husband recently passed away. That explained it. They thanked me for showing them the sketch and he took a photo. I returned to my table, minutes later they both waved a good bye with a smile. I felt good. "Urban sketching is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get".


  1. Bello gesto el tuyo ! No se si en todas partes sería bien vista esa intromisión en la intimidad, o se tendría la misma reacción ante un retrato esbozado rápidamente.

    1. Hola Marisa, gracias por tu comentario. Las intromisiones son riesgosas pero afortunadamente lo tomaron bien. En mi experiencia, la mayoria de la gente reacciona positivamente cuando se saben son el objeto de un bosquejo, aunque sea uno rapido. En este caso mi intromision fue bien recibida.
