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Friday, April 3, 2020

Making the bed.

Pen&ink and watercolor on A5 AMI watercolor sketchbook 
Some people think that staying at home might be tedious or boring....well they might be right. We are used to go out at free will and this is a change some might find hard to adapt to. I never thought that daily chores would be something that I would consider to sketch but under the stay at home orders that seems to be changing. I see it now as an opportunity to sketch other aspect of life overlooked by truly yours. I read an article about an astronaut, who was asked, given his experience in confinement for a long periods of time, what would it be his recommendation to keep yourself sane. He said. 

Keep a routine.

Well...that looks like something doable. I don’t feel motivated enough to draw things or rooms in my house. I’m more interested on doing sketches of activities done at home for the duration of this unprecedented time.  And because there’s a limited amount of people in this house, than means you will likely see sketches of my husband and I.

I made this sketch of myself making the bed, that’s the first thing I do in the morning. What keeps you busy? 

Stay home, stay safe, save others.

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