Food recipes

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Real de Catorce Mexico Part 1 of 5. A ghost town.

Lanzagorta Street. A4 Moleskine, pen, ink and watercolor.

Real de Catorce is a town located in the highest hills of the state of San Luis Potosí in México. In 1700’s this town produced enough silver to become one of the most important towns then. It reached the splendor of big cities and its citizens wanted to match the luxury. It had a hospital, a theater, fashion stores, a rooster fighting ring that Mexicans call Palenque, and a bull fighting ring as well, even its own Mint. 

Mint Museum. Made in 2013. A5 Fabriano block, pen, ink and watercolor. 

When gold became valuable, silver lost its value and all the mines in the area closed. Most of its inhabitants left the town and it became a ghost town. In the 90’s the Mexican government designated this town as Pueblo Mágico and now the main income for the population left  comes from tourism. 

A5 Sketchbook, pen, ink and watercolor.

Real de Catorce was so inaccessible that the town remains in its original state. It’s a live snapshot of the past. The newest construction is the tunnel which was an old mine that goes through a hill to reach the town. It was open to the public in early 1900’s. It’s 2.3 km long and wide enough for one car only, so two persons remain at both ends of the tunnel and communicate by radio to control the traffic. They charge $ 20 MXP to cross the tunnel to come into the town. The day we left we had to cross the same tunnel to get out town. I pasted the ticket of the payment on my sketchbook and sketch this side of the tunnel while we waited our turn for the other cars coming through the tunnel. Click here to read Part 2.


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